About Us

Products should have personalities, let’s give yours some sass.

In a world where everyday products have short lives but long-lasting impacts, Sasstainable wants to do the very opposite. By creating sustainable, environmentally friendly products we want to better serve customers while also caring for the environment. We do this by transforming common practical products into more ethical versions of themselves that can be reused a lot longer than their plastic counterparts. This means that even our packaging is sustainable since we’ve adapted to the growing popularity of online shopping and the negative effect disposable packaging has is having on the world.

As keepers of the Earth, we believe that small eco-conscious acts can lead to massive positive changes that span the globe. This drives us to make it easy for anyone to play their part in the mission to save and support our planet’s vital ecosystems. As such, our main aim is to help you adopt a mindset of sustainable living that influences your daily decisions.

Starting with bamboo cutlery and biodegradable toothbrushes, our vision is to expand our catalogue to offer a wide variety of products that are designed to be practical, beautiful, sustainable, and sassy.

Widespread change doesn’t come from one person enforcing colossal revolutions, but instead from seven billion people supporting small ones.


Our mission is to provide eye-catching products that are handy, ethically made, and environmentally friendly. We aim to rebuild and conserve the earth’s natural resources by replacing eco-destructive products with attractive and sustainable alternatives.


Our vision is to help the world embrace sustainable living at home and on the go.