Fancy something quick, easy but delicious to curl up in front of another Netflix series today? (When we say series we mean 3 hours of scrolling to find something before watching that thing you've watched 100 times before!) Try our.....CASHEW PESTO PASTA
Prep Time
5 minutes
Cook Time
15 minutes
Tastes great hot or cold

60g Cashew Nuts
2 cloves garlic
80g basil
30g spinach
Juice of half a lemon
6 tbsp Olive oil
Salt and pepper
Blend ingredients together until smooth
Simply add to cooked pasta
Add sun dried tomatoes or anything else you fancy for flavour!
Recipe Note
Why not make a double-batch of the pesto to eat later? It'll keep in the fridge for a couple of days; either by itself or mixed with pasta in a pouch (as a ready-to-go lunch). Great hot or cold!